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I played the Story Mode and had a lot of fun with the gameplay. Its simple but the Vehicle AI is smart enough to keep you stressed throughout and juking in some parts requires perfect timing. I'll be returning to try out the other gamemodes too 

This was one of the most fun games ive played in a while the whole time i was playing it i was thinking Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge if you know you know but for the love of god play this demo! 


I finally played this game, and I have to say, it's the best one in the genre so far.

The new content update is out and I finally got to play it! Good atmosphere, stressful, and fun. The new intro definitely helps with the story. 

old vid but ree watched tonite loved this game this shit as instense!

 loved this game!

Really enjoyed the backroads I wasn't expecting to get attacked by a plane that really surprised me the first time :D

bought the game on steam I really enjoyed it it's a great game I can't wait to play more of your games

Had a blast!!  I don't usually scream so much in horror games but this kept me on the edge of my seat lol


Who knew cars can choose violence

My favorite game ive played this year! Running from these cars aint for the faint of heart, especially once the *redacted* shows up and chases you down while bumping the most joyous music. Gotta try the new mode next.


Went back & beat it.. good story as well as intense a** gameplay!! 10/10

My girlfriend played the demo-- and now she hates ice cream trucks. ^^; 

(2 edits)

im late 2 the party but.. this was surprisingly the funniest + most intense game ive played in awhile! great job!


this was SO WELL DESIGNED and was far scarier than it had any right to be when its about killer cars, absolutely insanely well done

Cars are now my worst nightmare, thanks :P.This game is awesome and it deserves a sequel! :). Great work Devs - Gameplay and Thoughts below :D

Fun and infuriating; the car AI is great. It's absolutely relentless and leads to some really goofy moments. Wish the story was done as I'd like to know more about the lore, but, I understand that you're still updating. I really enjoyed the craziness.

Game was really fun! thoughts at the end of the video

El juego tiene un ambiente tenebroso, sientes como si un asesino te acecha y la intensidad de los vehiculos es fuerte por atraparte, muy buen juego!

This game is so good! Fun and intense! Reminded me of the movie "Christine".

I have no idea whats going on but it has a rape van in it 
(1 edit) (-1)

This is great! I haven’t had this much fun in a horror game in ages! I can’t recommend this enough! - check out my gameplay on the link below :)

I really want to know more about this game's AI! The cars just seem to car so well!


It's a combination of pathfinding used in most games with tricks and tweaking to give the cars an advantage against you. The snow really helps them turn around quickly for example.

I had a lot of fun with this game! thoughts at the end of the video.

Really awesome game...

I LOVE THIS GAME!!!  I have so many questions and I need a decimate drive 2!!!!

Fabuloso juego!

To say I love this game would be an UNDERSTATEMENT!  This is likely my favorite indie game of ALL of 2023!

Awesome, glad you like the demo! 😁



Yes, sure! You can post Decimate Drive videos on YouTube.

Thank you very much.

This was so much fun, im looking forward to  a full release! (2nd game)

You guys went CRAZY with this one! The concept of the game and everything is soo good, yet simple. This made for some awesome commentary and a dope playthrough. Cant wait for more, honestly! (first game in the video too!)

This was fun, I hope the full version on Steam is just as fun!

Pretty nice evolution from the 1st version. The game is pretty good at keeping you on the edge of your seat. The damage of the cars are a little inconsistent, sometimes it's one hit kill, sometimes it's not. I'm guessing it has to do whith their speed at the moment of the impact, if that's the case than it's actually realistic. Will keep an eye on the improvements and when the lore is added. Keep up the good work

Great game

Loved your game, here's the homies and I playing it!

Honestly this is a very creepy, visually stunning short horror. I wish it were longer!!

Great game! I had a lot of fun playing it! I wish that their where more levels though. Anyway, good job!

Interesting horror game about being chased down by killer cars! 
Gave me some memories of Maximum Overdrive or those old cheats in GTA where people would try to run you over! Had fun playing!
Good Job SomethingRandomDesigning!
Haven't played a horror game like this yet! 

Put it into one of my 3 Scary games videos, I think the game crashed but what I played was pretty fun, the graphics were amazing. There was no sound for some reason, also would appreciate it if people subbed super close to my goal of 1k on youtube.
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